Amatech in the Community
Amatech Gets Involved

Tony Amatangelo, Director of Project Management, spent part of his weekend giving back by bowling with Big Brothers Big Sisters. "I get to be a kid again and give back at the same time!" Learn more.

We proudly donated our plastic corrugated boxes to Food for Thought to support their mission of feeding the hungry thoughtfully.

Jason Amatangelo, Director of Business Development, had his artwork "Spun" featured at the Spring Art Show at the Erie Art Museum.

Proudly donated 34"x24" plastic corrugated helmets to the Northwestern Football team, representing the Wildcats lineup in Albion, PA.

Partnering with Alaska Structures, we donated a percentage of their purchase to the American Red Cross to support Hurricane Harvey relief.

Recently donated bulk bins and boxes to Logistics Plus Inc for their Ukraine Humanitarian Relief project. Thank you, Logistics Plus!