Returnable Packaging Blog
Why Amatech is Amazing. Featuring: Project Manager - Vince Campanelli
In our previous posts, we featured our leadership team with their perspective on why they think Amatech is Amazing. They highlighted our top class customer service, our dedication to quality production, and spoke to sustaining our values, vision, and mission into the future. Up next, we are going to feature members of our inside sales team. When you hear the words inside sales team - what does that really mean to you? In our world, it means a lot more than what you may think. Sales, is in fact, a small portion of what our team does on a daily basis. Our sales process does not include a catalog; all of what we produce is completely custom for each and every one of our customers. The sales team's process and knowledge base extend to project management. They will be with you on your project's journey from your first call, first web inquiry, or first email; all of the way to the date your returnable packaging ships. Once you receive your returnable packaging - they follow up to ensure that it has met your expectations. We feel it is key that you have a reliable resource because we know how complex returnable packaging needs can be. Due to this fact, your inside sales team member will be your one point of contact for all of your returnable packaging needs from your first project on.
In the fourth of this series, you will hear from one of our seasoned team members - Vince Campanelli. With 12 years of returnable packaging experience, he shares with you why he thinks Amatech is Amazing.
Q: How does our process get our customers the returnable packaging solutions that best fit their application?
A: Our process cuts down on the time spent going back and forth to obtain the information necessary to provide our customers with the quotes and returnable packaging solutions they are looking for. Part of our process includes a full functioning prototype. This is possibly the most important element to the front end of a returnable packaging project. Samples (prototypes) allow our customer to see what they will be receiving before they place their full order, they utilize the prototypes to test their products for fit and function. This allows them to make any changes necessary prior to purchase. This also provides them with the peace of mind that their returnable packaging will be a success for their program. Our sales process is performed in a highly methodical manner - something my customers have come to rely upon. Ship dates are met over 90% of the time with open lines of communication with my customers throughout the entire process.
A great example is when I received a call from a customer who was looking for plastic corrugated boxes. Seems simple, right? When we started our first conversation, I quickly discovered she was not sure what she needed so I started asking questions: What is the size of the box that you need? Is the size you provided an OD (outside diameter) or an ID (inside diameter) dimension? What color are you looking for? How much weight will go into the box? Do you want handles on the box? How are you using the boxes? Do you want the boxes screen printed? After I gathered all of the answers, I sent a photo of an example of a box to make sure we were on the same page. By the end of the day, my customer had a quote and photos of the boxes she was looking for. A few days later she placed an order for her custom sample (prototype). After she received her prototype and performing some tests, she was very pleased with the results. Very soon after, she placed an order for those boxes. When she received her order, she was very satisfied with the process and her packaging. I was on the journey with her from beginning to end. Managing her returnable packaging project and providing the solution she needed. That is what our sales team is all about.
Q: What is the key message that you want to convey to your customers?
A: I work for my customers. I want to see them be successful and lucrative and do this with as little stress as possible. I want to be an extension of their company when it comes to packaging. In addition, when I'm working with our distributors, I will wear your "company hat" and go with you on calls if necessary. This provides assistance for my distributor reps with any questions that may come their way regarding returnable packaging. Anything my customer needs I want them to know, I am here to support them.
Q: Why do you personally like working at Amatech?
A: I enjoy talking & working with my customers. Getting to know some of them personally. Making new friends and helping grow their businesses has been a highlight in my career here.