Returnable Packaging Blog
What Capacity Means For You
The definition of capacity, well, it can vary. In manufacturing, it means how much space and manpower there is available to produce a product. One of the questions our clients ask us is if we have enough capacity to run their project so they will have it in their hands on the date they need it. In this post, we will review what capacity means to us and in turn what it means for you.
Capacity: Fast and realistic answers about our turn around time. - This pretty much means what it says, however, there is another layer to this. We will be upfront and truthful about our turnaround time as long as we have the pertinent information to provide this information to you. With that being said, our project managers will work with you from the beginning to obtain those answers so you will have the ship date that makes the most sense for your needs.
Capacity: We stock material so we can get your project into production. - We have a variety of material on hand at all three of our locations. We keep these options available for some of the most utilized materials, so we can move your project through the production process a bit more quickly.
Capacity: We manage our production schedule so you receive your packaging on time. - We are vigilant when assessing manpower, what it is we will be producing for you, and at which of our locations your returnable packaging will be produced. These three pieces are managed at the quoting level process. We strive to minimize surprises as your project moves through the production process.
Capacity: We offer partial shipments to satisfy your initial need. - When you need your returnable packaging fast and our capacity may not be able to handle your full order - we encourage you to think about a quantity that could work for your initial needs. Although your order may be 10,000 custom pieces; 200, 400 or a variation thereof may be a workable solution to get your returnable packaging program underway. This will keep your mission moving forward while we get the remainder of your order ready for final shipment. An important note to share is we never jeopardize your order as you trust us to uphold our delivery date. If we can fit in another project while staying true to our production schedule - we will do so to fulfill a partial shipment order.
Capacity: We expanded ours in order to support yours. - We added another warehouse and production facility in 2018. This, of course, provides more capacity in the form of space for manufacturing. We also expanded your Amatech team. We added staff in a few different departments to include more engineers and project managers. Our growth supports yours.
Capacity: Getting your what you need when you need it. - When we have successfully moved through 1,2,3 4, 5 - this is the result we are both looking for. At this point, you can say your returnable packaging program is in motion.
Capacity means more to us than just space and manpower. Our project managers walk with you throughout the entire journey all the way to the desired result of product ownership. Our team is here to ask the right questions, to work diligently to get the most up to date information from you and get your project quoted, prototyped and into production. Managing all facets of capacity is key to your returnable packaging program's success!