Amatech is Determined to Deliver the Solutions You Need

At Amatech, we are determined to deliver that solution that fits your product best. Not only for a short-term solution but for the long term so it benefits your returnable packaging program into the future. See the examples below and be sure to follow the links for more info on how we are moving solutions forward for you. 

featuredproject jeff highlevelhealthOnly at Amatech can you find the laminating technique called rolled edge technology. Not only does the laminate you choose offer protection for your product it will also protect your employee's hands from the rugged edge that plastic on its own can have.

We have various laminate materials to choose from - our project managers are here and ready to answer any questions you may have so you get the solution you want. 
Learn more about our laminate options here.

xworx featuredproject royOur waterjet cut foam offers superior protection for your returnable packaging. Not only is it 5 axis with the capability to cut three-dimensionally, but it also maximizes yield which cuts costs.

We have the capacity and favorable turnaround times in order to get your project moving.


featuredprpoject brandon

For close tolerance manufacturing paired with durability - take a look at our HDPE solutions for your returnable packaging. If you have a heavy part or one with sharp edges - we can transform solid sheet HDPE into the packaging your product needs.



joe featuredprojectAt Amatech we are determined to deliver quality products via top-notch service and prime materials. This all leads to giving your product the first-rate protection it deserves.

The plastic corrugated divider here offers protective laminate - this gives our customer's product the safeguard it needs.

We have various protective laminates to choose from, click this link and see them there.

Not sure what Class A protection is and how our laminates can offer additional product protection? Take a look at this blog post to learn more. 

revised projectshowcaseAmatech's versatile sleeve packs are called that for many reasons! Not only are they custom-designed to meet your needs, but they can also easily collapse into the pallet that you see with the sleeve below. Not just for storage when not in use but also for a 4:1 ratio return for a truckload. Now that is pretty amazing!

Any sized reusable pallet that is available can be used, we can add a drop-down door for ergonomics and ease of use for the operator. They can also be branded with your logo or other instructions right on the sleeve if needed.

Your team at Amatech is here when you're ready. We are determined to deliver the solution you need.

The product examples above were chosen to illustrate the versatility of our returnable packaging solutions. Our team of engineers will work with your project manager to ensure that your product gets the proper protection for your product. We will design and manufacture a custom solution for you! In addition, see the markets we serve by clicking here. Be sure to explore our dividers, materials, equipment, and more