Handling of Expendable Packaging vs. Returnable Packaging

There are many different names for it ? returnable, reusable, sustainable, etc. ? but whatever you refer to it as, reusable packaging is simply a superior way to protect your products and eliminate costs all around the supply chain within your company. It has durability and will last longer than cardboard. Depending on the care and use, customers can expect 100 uses out of a reusable container. These sustainable shipping options come in the form of trays, containers, pallets, cases, and more.

Corrugated plastic has payoffs that cardboard just can?t beat:

  • Tear resistant
  • Easily takes place of cardboard expendable packaging
  • Easy to score, fold, drill and stitch
  • Fits right where cardboard containers have been used
  • Resilient to impact and breakage
  • Comes in a variety of in-stock colors

Corrugated plastic serves as a middle ground between cardboard and wood in your packaging systems. Corrugated plastic can outperform traditional cardboard packaging. More cost effective on a cost-per-trip basis, studies have shown manufacturers can save up to 70% in normal costs when converting from expendable to reusable packaging.

Benefits of Corrugated Plastic:

  • Durable & Reusable ? unlike cardboard, corrugated plastic holds up well after repeated usage and is resistant to puncture, tearing, and impact damage.
  • Lightweight ? shipping solutions made with corrugated plastic are lighter than their wood or cardboard counterparts, which can reduce fuel transport costs and improve worker safety.
  • Moisture resistant ? Corrugated plastic containers retain their strength, shape, and integrity when exposed to moisture providing superior product protection. Since it is virtually unaffected by water, corrugated plastic will not mold, mildew or rust. This also improves the working environment and worker safety for employees since the corrugated plastic boxes hold-up when cardboard boxes fail.
  • Available in a variety of constructions ?Corrugated plastic dunnage inserts and containers can be designed to accommodate a range of packaging solutions where wood or cardboard can be used. This means if you are converting from cardboard to plastic, you don?t have to change your process to accommodate a new packaging material design.

Benefits of Returnable Packaging and Reusable Containers

  • Reduce Overall Shipping Costs: What draws most and is definitely the biggest benefit is that overall shipping costs are reduced through the consistent use of reusable packaging and containers. You will save money by the elimination of purchasing of single-use shipping containers and packaging and get multiple uses out of a more durable solution.
  • Safer Delivery: Another benefit is providing superior protection for the products getting shipped in the packaging. Along with your custom designed package, if it is needed, custom designed dunnage will also be an additional protective tool to your product.
  • Reduce Freight Costs: Freight can be used more efficiently as well when the conversion takes place. To eliminate wasted space and to aid in the loading and unloading of deliveries, reusable packaging is can be stacked easier, as a plastic corrugated box or plastic container will hold its shape superiorly when compared to cardboard.
  • Fewer Workplace Injuries: Workplace injuries can be avoided when boxes require being cut open. Your custom packaging can have, for example, Velcro added for ease of opening and closing. There are many options and only your specific order will determine what the best method for closing a box is. To eliminate surprises, custom packaging will keep sharp parts from cutting through and everything in its place.

Contact Amatech to begin the transition to returnable, reusable packaging!