Returnable Packaging Blog
How Is Returnable Packaging Helping with Coronavirus Relief Efforts?
In this world, right now, our normal has changed considerably. There is incredible gravity felt all over the world due to the impact of COVID-19. As much as many are under distress - there is a lot of good coming out of this. We as humans can be extraordinary. We know this as we've witnessed humans rise to the occasion to help one another with other disasters. Two examples that come to mind are Hurricane Katrina and 9/11. We truly rally together, to protect one another to try and comfort and assist one another. It makes one proud when the industry you work in is part of the rally. Organizations are not only voluntarily a part of it but returnable packaging also supports the essential businesses that are hard at work, as we speak. Returnable packaging is a large part of moving products through the supply chain. An example is a news reporter, from New York City, was standing in front of stacks of sleeve packs. These simple gray and black sleeve packs transport personal protective equipment directly to the city in its greatest hour of need. It was at that moment, there was a realization - we are very much a part of the assistance that so many need and rely on. That our industry as a whole assist in helping communities in need. There was a sigh of relief, that our industry is there and can be counted on. That we are not helpless. We are hopeful.
All of what I just mentioned, has evolved over the last month. Organizations are joining in to help anywhere in any way that they can if they can. From making temporary hospital beds to switching over entire plants to sew masks instead of automotive seats to Amatech - forming a task force and executing a plan to start to manufacture face shields. The bonus is we will also be donating a portion of what we manufacture. Again, another sigh of relief and hope. We also have customers who have ordered simple plastic corrugated pads that are utilized as temporary flooring for COVID-19 related emergency shelters. Another customer is getting packaging for an automotive manufacturer for ventilators that they are producing.
When your neighbors, families, communities, country, and world are in need - it is nice to know that help is there. We often talk about protecting products as they move through the supply chain - the fact that we can also offer assistance in the protection of people who need it most - that is the extraordinary part. We will continue to rally along with everyone else, we will work hard to stay connected to our customers and we look forward to seeing you when we get safely to the other side of this.