How To Integrate Sustainability In Your Supply Chain

As the environment continues to change due to human impact, companies and businesses need to note how their efforts contribute to the damage being done. The New York Times notes how corporations often overlook their supply chains and product waste when discussing sustainability, even though these contribute up to 95% of their greenhouse gas emissions. If companies genuinely want to make a difference in their procedures, proper interventions need to take place so that their supply chains can cut down on emissions and waste. If you?re looking to incorporate sustainability in your supply chain, here are a few ways to start:

Map out your supply chain

It?s challenging to start changing your supply chain if you don?t understand it comprehensively. The first step to integrating sustainability is to map out the entire process so you can identify the environmental and social challenges contributing to your company?s footprint. You?ll get a clearer picture of how human and natural resources are being utilized in every stage and what necessary adjustments need to be made in those areas to boost sustainability.

Integrate sustainability on all levels

If you?re looking to make your supply chain more sustainable, it?s crucial to make the necessary changes across all functions and roles. From factory workers to higher-ups in all departments, sustainability is something all personnel should be aware of and trained in to make sure the company?s environmental impact is managed well, and all goals are being met. Provide staff with the proper tools, training, and information to help them understand what it means for their work moving forward and how procedures or policies can be aligned to achieve sustainability. Hans Kohlsdorf, founding partner of Energy To Market, also suggests holding seminars, sending emails, or offering incentives encouraging employees to put sustainability at the forefront of their work.

Tapping into renewable energy

In a supply chain, the area where energy is used the most is transforming raw materials into the final product you?re selling. In this stage, you can significantly amp up your supply chain?s sustainability by considering switching to renewable energy sources. More than just going down the traditional route for renewables, Hoymiles recommends looking into innovative, field-tested energy installations that ensure quality supply while being as energy-efficient as possible. For example, if you?re looking to use solar panels, you can use microinverters to safely and precisely convert raw energy into electricity to maximize your yield without unnecessary waste. You can further maximize renewables by switching out legacy, fossil-fuel based power sources across the rest of your business.

Invest in returnable packaging

A lot of waste in a supply chain can come from the manufacturing or shipment of products, but one way of addressing that is by using reusable or returnable packaging. The Returnable Packaging Association notes that returnable packaging includes reusable pallets, racks, bulk containers, hand-held containers, and dunnage made out of durable materials like wood, plastic, and metal to protect your products throughout every stage of the supply chain. Such packaging can also be cost-effective by reducing transport fees and maximizing storage space. It?s an effective way to avoid getting rid of excess materials used for packaging that contribute to environmental harm.

If you want to get started on your sustainability goals by using reusable packaging, reach out to us at Amatech to find the best products and services that suit your business?s supply chain.

Written By: Raleigh Julianna


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